Trusted by over 5000 companies
Improve customer experience throughout the entire customer journey
Simplify and improve your business communication with customers – from online support and custom notifications through two-factor authentication
Send promotional messages, information about special offers, seasonal sales and discounts
Remind about items from wishlist, confirm the status of purchases and make appointments
Customer Support
Provide your customers with quick and professional support and receive feedback
Account Security
Set up two-factor SMS authentication to prevent the system from being hacked
All channels of communication with your customers in one place
Do you want to improve the existing channels of communication with your audience, for example, SMS or Voice calls, or implement new ways of communication? IT-Decision Telecom specialists will help your business solve this problem
Sales Growth

We will help your company scale and increase your sales using SMS, Viber, WhatsApp and other communication channels

*sales growth after tailoring messaging parameters to our clients


We directly cooperate with more than 200 mobile network operators/partners, which guarantees fast and reliable delivery of your messages around the world

SMS & Viber API integration

With our user-friendly API, you can easily integrate SMS or Viber service into your systems and automatically send messages, transactions and confirmations

Premium support

Our support team resolves most issues within 2 hours. Moreover, you can get in touch with your Personal Manager at any time.


All communication in one place

All interactions between your company and customers are gathered within one interface, regardless of the communication channel. SMS, Viber, WhatsApp – all in one place, for your convenience and user-friendliness of the platform
All communication in one place
Favorable prices and discount system

Pay for outgoing messages at the rates of local mobile network operators. We also have a flexible discount system for those of our clients who send more than 100,000 messages per month. You may contact our sales department, and our managers will calculate the possible discounts for your project and select the most efficient ways of delivering your messages and voice calls

check our prices
Use communication channels in a format convenient for you

We offer two scenarios for the interaction of your business with customers using our platform:

  • Communicate with your customers via SMS, Viber for Business, WhatsApp Business, RCS, Voice, HLR Lookup through your personal account in our platform
  • Integrate our API into your CRM system: SMS, Viber + SMS, Verify, WhatsApp, RCS, Voice and HLR API. Automate messaging, create personalized messages, monitor statistics
View Documentation
var client = new RestClient("web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms");client.Timeout = -1;var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic api_key");request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");var body = @"{   ""phone"":380632132121,   ""sender"":""InfoItd"",   ""text"":""This is messages DecisionTelecom"",   ""validity_period"":300}";request.AddParameter("application/json", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);Console.WriteLine(response.Content);
var myHeaders = new Headers();myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Basic api_key");myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");var raw = JSON.stringify({  "phone": 380632132121,  "sender": "InfoItd",  "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",  "validity_period": 300});var requestOptions = {  method: 'POST',  headers: myHeaders,  body: raw,  redirect: 'follow'};fetch("web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms", requestOptions)  .then(response => response.text())  .then(result => console.log(result))  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()  .build();MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType,"{\"phone\":380632132121,\"sender\":\"InfoItd\",\"text\":\"This is messages DecisionTelecom\",\"validity_period\":300}");Request request = new Request.Builder()  .url("web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms")  .method("POST", body)  .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic api_key")  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")  .build();Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
$curl = curl_init();curl_setopt_array($curl, array(  CURLOPT_URL =>'web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms',  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER =>true,  CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',  CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS =>10,  CURLOPT_TIMEOUT =>0,  CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION =>true,  CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION =>CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1,  CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST =>'POST',  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{     "phone":380632132121,     "sender":"InfoItd",     "text":"This is messages DecisionTelecom",     "validity_period":300  }',  CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(    'Authorization: Basic api_key',    'Content-Type: application/json',  ),));$response = curl_exec($curl);curl_close($curl);echo $response;
import http.clientimport jsonconn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("web.it-decision.com")payload = json.dumps({  "phone": 380632132121,  "sender": "InfoItd",  "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",  "validity_period": 300})headers = {  'Authorization': 'Basic api_key',  'Content-Type': 'application/json'}conn.request("POST", "/v1/api/send-sms", payload, headers)res = conn.getresponse()data = res.read()print(data.decode("utf-8"))
package mainimport (  "fmt"  "strings"  "net/http"  "io/ioutil")func main() {  url := "web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms"  method := "POST"  payload := strings.NewReader(`{     "phone":380632132121,     "sender":"InfoItd",     "text":"This is messages DecisionTelecom",     "validity_period":300  }`)  client := &http.Client {}  req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)  if err != nil {    fmt.Println(err)    return  }  req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic api_key")  req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")  res, err := client.Do(req)  if err != nil {    fmt.Println(err)    return  }  defer res.Body.Close()  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)  if err != nil {    fmt.Println(err)    return  }  fmt.Println(string(body))}
var axios = require('axios');var data = JSON.stringify({  "phone": 380632132121,  "sender": "InfoItd",  "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",  "validity_period": 300});var config = {  method: 'post',  url: 'web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms',  headers: {     'Authorization': 'Basic api_key',     'Content-Type': 'application/json'   },  data : data};axios(config).then(function (response) {  console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {  console.log(error);});
import http.clientimport jsonconn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("web.it-decision.com")payload = json.dumps({  "phone":380632132121,  "sender": "InfoItd",  "text":"This is messages DecisionTelecom",  "validity_period":300})headers = {  'Authorization': 'Basic api_key',  'Content-Type': 'application/json'}conn.request("POST", "/v1/api/send-sms", payload, headers)res = conn.getresponse()data = res.read()print(data.decode("utf-8"))
DecisionTelecom's Viber for Business and Chat Inbox function provided us the possibility to contact our customers offline and offer them more purchase options with direct links and exclusive offers. As a result, we have increased the number of our customers and the sales of monthly gym membership by 185 percent this year.
Irina, marketing director of "Geliar Gym"
Irina, marketing director of
DecisionTelecom made our integration quick and easy. Adding WhatsApp, Viber and SMS as customer communication channels with the help of DecisionTelecom API helped us significantly increase our conversion rate. In addition, our customers are more satisfied as now we are able to manage multiple conversations across our customers' preferred channels.
Andriy Kamchatkin CEO, INPRIME
Andriy Kamchatkin CEO, INPRIME
You Can Trust Us
We guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data you transmit, as we use the world’s best AWS servers, and we also have successfully completed the Penetration testing
You get a 24/7 support service and a personal manager who will answer all your questions
Our company works directly with mobile network operators, which means that messages and voice calls will be delivered without intermediaries

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Discover a universal way of communication with customers anywhere in the world

IT-Decision Telecom is the #1 choice for global customer support scaling. We help businesses achieve high results through popular communication channels. Let's discuss your project, shall we?

Efficient SMS service

Modern methods of doing business require the implementation of all existing innovative technologies. The widespread development of communication industry has made the service of sending SMS is truly the leading method. The ability to selectively provide information about the company increases interest in its services on the part of the customer. Thus, it achieves all the basic conditions that are good for a business focused on success. The commercial effect of the tool is felt almost immediately and is significantly reflected in the increase in sales and operating profits.

In large companies, the SMS API service often has a dedicated division that interacts with service providers. But most commercial projects are unable to afford the expanded staff of technical personnel. The company "IT-Decision Telecom" will allow the customer of any level to promulgate their services by using such a method as bulk messaging. A flexible pricing policy makes this approach affordable even for customers with a limited budget for advertising costs.

Provide information about yourself to the client

API abbreviation means application programming interface. This concept includes a complex package of operational commands for the interaction of programs with each other in remote mode. The technology is great for the distribution of SMS by brand for business. Proper adjustment of the service requires specialized knowledge, which have the staff of the company "IT-Decision Telecom". Sufficient work experience in this area, as well as possession of comprehensive knowledge in the field of computer networks is the key to good results. Our company trusts the implementation of products in all areas of business.

API text messaging uses short messages as the main tool. With a limited amount of text, it is possible to deliver the main brand message to the client. Even in a few sentences will include the main points, which may be useful to buyers of goods or services. There is no nastiness and information content of classic visual advertising, which can often withdraw by itself. In just a few seconds, the entire volume of a short announcement is captured, which means that the decision on its use can be taken as quickly as possible.

A quick start for your business

Among the main advantages of SMS API, useful for any business, are:

  • The efficiency of online services;
  • Wide audience;
  • Available cost of connection;
  • Discounts during a comprehensive or standing order of services;
  • The possibility of hunting the whole territory of Ukraine.

Standard advertising companies with the use of traditional mass media are very expensive. Posting ads on websites is effective, but can be blocked by users through special programs. In contrast, an SMS from a brand  will be accepted by the potential buyer by 100%. Taking into account the total volume of messages that are sent, the overall ratio of companies of this kind is very high and is definitely worth the price paid for it.

If you doubt the effectiveness of this method, positive feedback from our customers will be the best argument for its support. SMS overload via API will allow you to accelerate the pace of commercial growth of the company.

Modern methods of product promotion

Decision Telecom company offers the most required SMS APIs, which enable information dissemination by means of common short messages of mobile operators, Viber, WhatsApp and other popular messengers. Instant communication of important information to customers creates an image of a responsible company and provides a quick call for transactions or deals. The service has a flexible setting and allows you to easily adjust the work.

The advantage of working with us is a wide advisory support in the selection of the final set of tools. We professionally recommend what and how best to order for a particular business situation. There are certain peculiarities of the organization of the distribution, which are required to the accounting depending on the activity.

The total price for connection and setup is based on the full scope of work and its specific features. In any case, co-workers IT-Decision Telecom will not offer you a busy or duplicate the basic functions of the service. Our priority is to provide maximum customer support at the lowest possible cost to the customer, allowing for long-term productive cooperation.

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